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Learning to See Creatively: Design, Color & Composition in Photography

  • ISBN: 9780817441814
  • Subject: Photography, Artistic
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 160
  • PDF

  • A pedido de um colega de fotografia, pois ele viu esse livro na casa de um amigo e gostou tanto que pediu para eu achar e colocar aqui no blog.

    Livro realmente interessante, com tópicos tais como: Ampliando sua Visão, Design dos Elementos, Composição, A Magia da Luz ... dentre outros

    Almost everyone can "see" in the conventional sense, but developing photographic vision takes practice. Learning to See Creatively helps photographers visualize their work, and the world, in a whole new light.
    Now totally rewritten, revised, and expanded, this best-selling guide takes a radical approach to creativity. It explains how it is not some gift only for the "chosen few" but actually a skill that can be learned and applied. Using inventive photos from his own stunning portfolio, author and veteran photographer Bryan Peterson deconstructs creativity for photographers. He details the basic techniques that went into not only taking a particular photo, but also provides insights on how to improve upon it—helping readers avoid the visual pitfalls and technical dead ends that can lead to dull, uninventive photographs.
    This revised edition features the latest information on digital photography and digital imaging software, as well as an all-new section on color as a design element. Learning to See Creatively is the definitive reference for any photographers looking for a fresh perspective on their work.
    * New edition of a best-selling title
    * Updated to include digital
    * All new artwork, and a totally revised and expanded text
    * All-new section on color as a design element
    * Written by one of Amphoto's bestselling authors

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    2 comentários:

    1. Me interessei em baixar esse livro, porém as partes 3 e 4 não estão mais sendo encontradas. Teria como vc ativar novamente?

    2. Tanta frescura para baixa um arquivo txt, coloca o link logo aqui ou baixa o arquivo nos servidor de vocês e coloca realmente a disponibilidade dos usuários, da forma que são colocados hoje nada mais que um copie e cola de outros sites que nem sempre os links funcionam sejam mais eficiente.
